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블랙호크 다이나믹 듀오 브리칭 툴/대테러 장비
Blackhawk Dynamic Duo DE-TS/TB/DDQ
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상품명 | [Blackhawk] Dynamic Duo DE-TS/TB/DDQ - 블랙호크 다이나믹 듀오 브리칭 툴 | |||
제품사진 | ![]() | |||
상세설명 |
Dynamic Duo DE-TS/TB/DDQ Dynamic Duo including one each: DE-TS/-TB/-DDQ Black DE-TS THUNDERSLEDGE Sure-Grip handle system is electrically non-conductive to 100,000 volts AC Handles will not absorb glass shards and are self-extinguishing Drop forged, high carbon steel head DE-TB THE BREACHER Features a heat-treated, stainless steel wedge for added strength Wedge features non-skid friction ridges for added stability Handles will not absorb glass shards, are electrically non-conductive to 100,000 volts
deployable breaching kit that could be used in the majority of breaching situations. The Dynamic Duo™ includes a twelve-pound ThunderSledge™ and The Breacher™ which utilizes the newly redesigned tempered stainless steel wedge that features friction ridges on all contact surfaces that are counter-angled to the head. Designed specifically to grip breaching surfaces securely, these counter-angled friction ridges also provide stability during breaching operations and prevent tool slippage. Front and rear quick release straps allow for immediate “dumping” of the kit and rapid deployment of tools by fellow breachers.
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배송 기간
입금확인 시간
반품/교환 배송비 처리
반품 및 교환방법
반품 주소
경기도 양주시 마전로 118번길 27
* 모니터 해상도의 차이로 색상이 다르게 보일 수 있으며 이런 경우의 교환/반품은 고객변심에 속합니다.
* 출고 이후의 교환/환불은 제품회수 후에 이루어집니다.
반품/교환 불가상품
제품 수령 후 7일이 지났거나 구매확정이 된 상품은 교환/반품/환불이 불가능합니다.
회원등급 | 등급별 추가적립 |
SILVER | 2% (20,000,000원 추가적립) |
GOLD | 4% (40,000,000원 추가적립) |
DIAMOND | 6% (60,000,000원 추가적립) |
VIP | 8% (80,000,000원 추가적립) |
배송 기간
입금확인 시간
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